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SaroCat royal – the dream of every cat!

The world’s first litter box that works completely without litter. No more cat toilet smell in the house.

We are currently relaunching our online shop, with the relaunch expected to be completed by January 15th.

Hygienically clean & odorless

Environmentally friendly without litter

Self cleaning & cost saving

Amortized in 4 years

SaroCat royal – completely without cat litter!

The world’s first litter box that works completely without litter. No more cat toilet smell in the house. No more unhygienic trips to the litter tray by the youngest members of the family or other four-legged friends, because the new SaroCat royal cleans quickly, safely and cleanly.

Perfect hygiene

SaroCat provides you and your pampered house cat with the best hygiene. Get rid of most problems at once! No more uncomfortable smells and allergens in the home. And by using it, your environment is not polluted.

Twice the Comfort

Modern technology and your cat? Absolutely! The grass pad simulates a soft surface for scratching and ensures cleanliness. With SaroCat you no longer have to absorb litter in your home.


SaroCat allows you to not only pamper your fastidious cat 15 years of research and development and the use of the most modern technologies carries not only the comfort to your home, but also the certainty that it works. It is easier to use than you might think.

Functionality of the SaroCat royal

The soft surface of the grass pad on the inside gives your house cat the feeling of short-cut natural grass. Because it’s always clean, it provides the best conditions for your cat. When getting into the cat toilet, your cat is identified by the sensors. After exiting, the cleaning process starts automatically – the feces on top of the grass pad are discarded in the waste container by a rake. The container lid only opens shortly before discarding and seals shut immediately thereafter. Upon retracting, the grass pad is cleaned by a nozzle integrated in the rake. The wastewater flows into an easy-to-empty tank.

SaroCat royal is the only automatic litter box in the world that allows them to also use the litter your pet is used to. To do that, remove the grass pad and now it operates without cleaning through the nozzles.

Together with an internationally renowned designer, we decided to develop the new cat toilet over the past years.

SaroCat royal – out of love for your cat and the environment!

SaroCat royal Product Description
SaroCat royal Product Description